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Founded by Quinn Wieland, Wildrye’s vision is rooted on the principals of highlighting the regenerative agriculture practices of our family ranch, while inspiring the next generation of ranchers to continually strive to find more efficient ways of sustainability.


Farming was historically the main way of life to feed livestock.  Our family followed that tradition for generations -  until about 25 years ago.  We stopped farming and implemented more efficient and sustainable methods of raising cattle that is kinder to the land. We have spent years returning our pastures back to their natural states, adapted new rotational grazing methods, and have created a healthier, more natural habitat for our cattle and wildlife.


For years, we sold our cattle at traditional livestock auctions, where few recognized or even cared about the benefits of the beef we were providing. We  aim to change that. Let's revolutionize the beef industry, together.

The Wieland Family

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